Atta Elayyan Memorial Futsal Tournament


This Easter Sunday and Monday, members from the Christchurch and wider Futsal community are hosting a two day Memorial Futsal Tournament to reflect and celebrate the life and qualities of Atta Elayyan. The tournament will be held at Bishopdale YMCA, with all the draw and details available via the event link below.

Teams will be competing for the Atta Empathy Shield. Event organiser Bakr Al-Saudi said,"Empathy is one of the many unqiue qualities of Atta. He showed all of us how easy it is to build long lasting quality relationships between humans regardless of race, ethnicity or religion." During the day there will be speeches, media interviews and an auction.

The Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ) have generaously covered the expenses of the event with a number of volunteers helping run and officiate the games. New Zealand Football have also kindly donated 2 framed shirts that from Atta's time with the Futsal Whites with an additional 2 Canterbury United shirts donated by Mainland Football. These shirts, among other items, will be auctioned off with the funds going to Atta's family.

The day is for everyone and anyone, so head down to Bishopdale YMCA on Sunday and Monday to enjoy some good futsal and support the event.

For all the event information, please follow the link below and click on the details section:

Click here

Article added: Sunday 21 April 2019


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